There are already 146 users and 4,575 genealogy profiles with the Grau surname on Geni. Explore Grau genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Anna Catharina===* Birth: 1670 in Hessen Nassau Prussia* Death: 19 Apr 1734 in New York City New YorkMarriage# Johannes Gerlach Grau b: 22 Nov 1667 in Rudersberg Tagstkreis Wuerttembeg Germany Children...
Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarvchivs:Mathias, Bettygeborene Grau geboren am 27. November 1886 in Allenstein / - / Ostpreußen wohnhaft in Berlin (Tiergarten)Deportation: ab Frankfurt a. Main-Berli...
Elizabeth (Trump) Grau is an older sister of Donald Trump. In 1989, she married film producer James Grau. She worked as an administrative assistant for Chase Manhattan Bank before retiring to Florida. ...
BIOGRAFÍA Enrique Grau nació en Ciudad de Panamá, donde su madre prefirió dar a luz por las condiciones sanitarias de la época, posteriormente se trasladaron a Cartagena, donde vivió hasta que se fue a...
Enriqueta "Etang" Discher Grau was a prominent Filipina character film actress frequently cast in villainous roles. Her stern, gaunt Castilian face loomed in many post-war Filipino films, especially so...
Louis M Grau Lottie grossinger Grau Seymour William grau
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