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  • ANTON Karl Simon Graf von Wolkenstein, Freiherr von Trostburg und Neuhauss (1832 - 1913)
    Notable Personalities===‘The castle would have been doomed to become a fief-farm had it not been for the lucky chance of it coming under the ownership of Count Anton and Countess Maria, his wife, who h...
  • Adalbert (Seveke) Graf von Sommerschenburg (1035 - c.1088)
    Seveke, Graf von Sommerschenburg*b. circa 1034Adalbert Seveke, Graf von Sommerschenburg was born circa 1034. He was the son of Lothar V von Sommerschenburg. Adalbert Seveke, Graf von Sommerschenburg ma...
  • Adèle de Vermandois (c.890 - 931)
    Avkomma Cunigunde karolingiska och Udo Jag von der Wetterau (C900-949) Heribert von der Wetterau (925-992) 925 992 Gebhard von der Wetterau (? -938) 918 938 BeleckeKonrad von Schwaben (? -997) 20 augus...
  • Countess Adelaide von Sulzbach (1063 - 1110)
    See for more information,speculative research of Rob Salzman ( of Wolfratshausen (d. 11 January/12 January 1126) was the second wife of Berengar II, Count of Sulzbach. Slightly different dates for her ...
  • Adolph IV, Herr von Schauenburg, Graf zu Holstein und Stormarn (c.1186 - 1261)
    Adolph IV Graf von Schauenburg-Holstein (* vor 1205; † 8. Juli 1261 in Kiel) war Edler Herr von Schauenburg (1225–1238) sowie Graf von Holstein und Stormarn (1227–1238).===Leben===Adolf IV. war der ält...

About the Graf surname

Means Count in German.