There are already 78 users and 2,931 genealogy profiles with the Gosling surname on Geni. Explore Gosling genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
She died about June 1639 on ship "Jonathan" to America (Bent Family in America, Bent, 1900, pp. 11-13)She followed her son to America and died in May or June 1639, on board the ship 'Jonathan' just out...
Ann Hurry arrived in Australia as a convict with her mother Susanna Hurry (Nee Diggens) upon the Convict Ship called Elizabeth IV.Application to marry George Steed was finally granted on 19 November 18...
Please respect the following Encyclopedia Titanica - "Simply because the information is displayed on this web site does not mean it is in the public domain or free to copy, publish or distribute. Much ...
Per her obituary in The Times :
... A Conservative councillor and keen horsewoman, she became joint master of both East Dulverton and Exmoor Foxhounds, having visited kennels and absorbed pedigree ...
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