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Gompertz Genealogy and Gompertz Family History Information

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  • Abigail Gompertz (1790 - 1871)
  • Alice Gompertz (1899 - 1943)
    Gompertz, Alice née Wertheim born on 05th December 1899 in Iserlohn / - / Westfalen resident of Iserlohn Deportation: from Dortmund 29th July 1942, Theresienstadt, ghetto 29th January 194...
  • Benjamin Gompertz (1779 - 1865)
    "Benjamin Gompertz (5 March 1779 – 14 July 1865) was a British self-educated mathematician and actuary, who became a Fellow of the Royal Society. Gompertz is now best known for his Gompertz law of mort...
  • Bernard Leon Gompertz (1848 - 1916)
    Bruidegom: Bernard Leon Gompertz Relatiesoort: Bruidegom Geslacht: Man Geboorteplaats: Amsterdam Beroep: bankier Vader bruidegom: Leon Gompertz Geslacht: Man Beroep: bankier Moeder bruidegom: Louise La...
  • Emma Gompertz (1863 - 1942)
    , Emmi Emma geborene Blumenfeld geboren am 14. März 1863 in Essen / - / Rheinprovinz wohnhaft in Bocholt, Essen und GeldernDeportation: ab Düsseldorf 21. Juli 1942, Theresienstadt, GhettoTodesdatum: 14...

About the Gompertz surname

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