There are already 283 users and over 10,279 genealogy profiles with the Garland surname on Geni. Explore Garland genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Adaline Jenness Garland BIRTH 1820 USA DEATH 1884 (aged 63–64) USA BURIAL Rye Central Cemetery Rye, Rockingham County, New Hampshire, USA PLOT Division 1-Lot 404 MEMORIAL ID 133776895 · View SourceMEM...
Agnès de Garlande
Agnès de Garlande était la fille unique et héritière d'Anseau de Garlande et de Béatrice de Montlhéry. Décédée vers 1143, elle fut comtesse de Rochefort-en-Yvelines, dame de Gourn...
Alexander "Alex" Medawar Garland[2] (born 26 May 1970) is an English novelist, screenwriter, film producer and director, best known for his work as the screenwriter of 28 Days Later (2002), Sunshine (2...
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