Garibaldi family may indeed be descended from Garibald king of Bavaria until about 592 according
to the Persian aera beginning in 546 BC,at the rise of Dareisoas,son of Hystaspés ,that is until about 46 AD .
Garibald's daughter ,Theudelinde was married to his relative,Authari Falvius ,king of Longobardia ,
son or son-in-law of Cleph,successor of Alboin mrulin until about 44 .
Garibald ( Garippa-Ald ) seems to be identical with Agrippa ( Agg-Garippa ) ,king of Hierosolyma ,
whose daughter ,Beréniké ,became wife of Héródés of Khalkhis ,his nephew,both from the Idumaian
dynasty of Antipas nad Héródés .
Theude-Linda may mean the Chud Linda ,who could also be called Vironika ,an equivalent of Beréniké .
Successors of the Chuds in North-East Europe are in big part the Estonian nation,called also Viron ,
whose national heroess was Linda ,wife of Kalevipoeg ,and this name is still avery popular one among them .
Kaleva Osmo ,called in Arabia Kale'aba and in Somalia Samaale Osmaan ,is the ancestor of the Iduamaian
dynasty ,identical with Mithridat of Parthia ,father of Sinatruk .
In the Somalian genealogies Alboin corresponds to Alabweyne ,a descendant of Osmaan,son of Hordare .
Agrippa,the last king of Hierosolyma acknowledged by Romans ,had a son called also Agrippa ,
ruling until about 78 ,who were both knwon in France ,in accounts using the Normann aera with
beginning in 1065 BC , as Fulque of Anjou .
As to Pippin ,ruling also until about 45 ,that is 767 according to the Roman aera of beginning in 723 BC ,
in France ,his name may also be a nickname of Agrippa .
From Garibald were descended the rest of kings of Lombardia until Desideri Dauferi,who was on
male line from the family of Authari .
He was chsoen for "pope" of Rome,under the name Victor ,although he founded Unitarian religion in
Transsylvania too .
Flavius is identical with Titus Sabinus Falvius ,a relative of Vespasian,likely his father ,
who was called Titu Kusi Huallpa in the Peruvian Inca dynasty ,of events described by an aera of
beginning in 1387 BC ,still used worldwide .
He was a successor of Manko Inka,father of Sintche Roka ,as it is knwon .
See Lombardi,Longobardi,Lombardo,Lombard,Csedő,Magyari,Magyary,Mocsinka,Kaleva,Suomalainen,
Dadianov,Orbeliani and others !
Balázs Déri