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Fry Genealogy and Fry Family History Information

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  • Albert Fry (1830 - 1903)
    Albert Fry ===From Wikipedia=== ?–1903). He worked with John Fowler (1826–1864)[16] to develop and manufacture a drainage plough in the mid-19th century. He founded the Bristol Wagon and Carriage Works...
  • Aletha Anne Rester (1857 - 1934)
    Anne Rester (born Fry)MyHeritage Family Trees Ladner Web Site, managed by Cheri Ladner Birth: Jan 14 1857 - Greene County, Mississippi Death: Oct 31 1934 - Lees Mill voting precinct, Pearl River County...
  • Alfred John Fry (1870 - d.)
    Alfred Fry was born before Jane married Alfred Gatcum, and her son Alfred never took the Gatcum Name. It is possible, being born out of wedlock, that Alfred Gatcum is the biological father of Alfred Fr...
  • Alice Fry (1533 - 1605)
    From: [In Washfield church, Devon] A tablet records the memory of Alicia, daughter of William Fry, Esq. and wife of Philip Steyngyngs, Esq. After giving her husband 9 sons and 5 daughters she survived ...
  • Amanda Ann Loper Fry (1860 - 1939)
    Amanda Ann “Amandy” Mixon Fry BIRTH 1860 DEATH 1939 (aged 78–79) BURIAL Muse Cemetery Muse, Le Flore County, Oklahoma, USA MEMORIAL ID 49454271 · View Source MEMORIAL PHOTOS 2 FLOWERS 2 Family Members...

About the Fry surname


English (chiefly south and southwestern England)

variant of Free, from the Old English byform frig. English: nickname for a small person, from Middle English fry ‘small person’, ‘child’, ‘offspring’ (Old Norse frjó ‘seed’).


Americanized spelling of German Frei, Frey.

notable family members

  • John Fry (1609 - 1657) was one of the regicides who participated in the judgement and subsequent decapitation of King Charles I in 1649.
  • Stephen Fry (1954 - ) (descendant of the aforementioned John)
  • Richard Amherst Fry (1838 - 1898) the great American pioneer and explorer (descendant of the aforementioned John

other versions of this surname