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Frary Genealogy and Frary Family History Information

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  • Abigail Frary (1683 - 1772)
    "Abigail Bidwell was the daughter of Samuel & Elizabeth Stow Bidwell. She married Hezekiah Sumner. Among their children was son William. After Hezekiah's death , Abigail married Samuel Frary in 1753." ...
  • Eleazer Frary (1640 - 1709)
    Eleazer Frary Born in Dedham, Norfolk, England on 1639 to John Frary and Prudence Townsend. Eleazer married Mary Graves and had 6 children. He passed away on 1709 in Hatfield, Hampshire, England. -...
  • Sgt. Eleazer Frary (1680 - 1709)
  • Elisha Frary (1729 - 1801)
    A Patriot of the American Revolution for MASSACHUSETTS with the rank of PRIVATE. DAR Ancestor #: A041906
  • Elizabeth Dyer (c.1614 - 1678)
    Elizabeth was born in 1622 in England. She died about 1679 in Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts. Her parents are not known.Married:# Abraham Harding on 26 Nov 1640 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts. # o...

About the Frary surname

My Frarys came from Norfolk England. They migrated to America in the 1600s and Australia in 1879. There are a variety of spellings - Freary, Frairy, Farary, Fray, Frary, Friary etc. it is believed that it could come from an area near a ‘Friary’.