There are already 113 users and 4,715 genealogy profiles with the Flack surname on Geni. Explore Flack genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Rory Flack (Flack-Mitchell[1]%29 (born April 28, 1969) is a professional figure skater and former competitor. She is the first African American woman to perform a back flip on the ice in 1991. In 1994 ...
Daughter of John Doggett and Dorothy. Married William Flack. Did not marry a Firmin, that seems a mixup. See document attached from The Great Migration project.===probably erroneous=== : unknownDeath:...
If your name is Flack you have a big family. from the wide range of the Flack George Flack to William Flack and many more
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