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  • Joan de Stuteville (c.1145 - bef.1197)
    From Pedigree of Hansard - Watson - outline draftJoan de Stuteville, daughter of John de Stuteville of Long Lawford, Newbold-on-Avon and Cosford in Warwickshire and his wife Agnes. Joan was the widow o...
  • Maldred fitz Dolfin, of Raby (c.1135 - c.1172)
    Robert's father Maldred was last known alive in 1172From Rootsweb Postem Le Bateman asked is there proof that Maldred son of Dolfin married a de Stuteville?
  • N.N. Fitz Dolfin (c.1063 - d.)
    N.N. Fitz Dolfin Daughter of Dolfin Thorfinsson Married Married Gospatric FITZ ARKIL Lord of Bingley in 1077 in Bingley, West Riding, Yorkshire, England. Children Dolfin FITZ GOSPATRIC, w...
  • Torfin Fitz Dolfin (1102 - d.)

About the fitz Dolfin surname

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