There are already 91 users and over 6,380 genealogy profiles with the Falck surname on Geni. Explore Falck genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:
Wreschner, Alice
geb. Falck
geboren am 13. April 1883
in Lübeck/Freie Hansestadt Lübeck
wohnhaft in Berlin (Schöneberg)
Anna var syster till fogden Benkt Eriksson till Skälsnäs i Hults sn (F), fodermarsk hos riksföreståndaren Svante Nilsson (Natt och Dag) och avrättad vid Stockholms blodbad. * Reference: MyHeritage Fami...
Margherita Cataldi (Torino, 14 novembre 1939 – 1º settembre 2021) è stata una giornalista, scrittrice e produttrice cinematografica italiana, impegnata per tanti anni in iniziative umanitarie. È nota p...
Falck meant 'Falcon' and was most likely a nickname. It was also considered a 'Middle High German' name.
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