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Engman Genealogy and Engman Family History Information

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  • Alfred Engman (1899 - 1919)
    Engman, Alfred Wilhelmsson * * 1899-09-27 (EAA.3169.1.56:79)* * 1899-10-09 (RNHF)* ~ 1899-10-17* † 1919-08-01 (RNHF)* † 1919-08-20 (VAS)Participated in the Estonian War of Independence and died in a mi...
  • Engman (deceased)
  • Zakrisdotter (1842 - d.)
  • ? Maria Nilsdotter Engman (1853 - 1853)
    Somero Turun puoli rippikirja 1848-1857 (JK234 I Aa:17) Sivu 226 Ojanperä, Kangare ; SSHY / Viitattu 04.05.2022 (Lapsuusperhe)
  • ? Engman (deceased)

About the Engman surname

Charles/Carl Engman born about 1821. we believe he was born in Abo, Finland. He was a merchant sailor and married Mary Murphy in Liverpool, England in 1861 before emigrating to the United States where he lived In Jersey City ,NJ for about six year and then emigrated to Milwaukee, WI where he died in 1873.