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Endicott Genealogy and Endicott Family History Information

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About the Endicott surname

Like most families, the origins of ours are lost in time. We know the ENDICOTTs were in and around the Dorchester England area as early as the 13th Century and it is likely that they had been there much, much longer. The first appearance of Endicott in the ancient record list many spellings such as YNNDECOTT, YENDICOTT, ENDECOTE, and ENDECOTT. The first generations in America used the ENDECOTT spelling, but later generations adapted the spelling to ENDICOTT. Endicott denotes a place of dwelling, in this case, "the end cottage". (From Ted Sanford in "The History of the Endicott Family". This complete work can be viewed on the Endicott Family Association (EFA) website).