Doukas family of Byzantine emperors according to the tradition was descended from a cousin of Kónstantinos , ruling in the same place until about 62 ,corresponding to about 337 of the Parthian aera ,beginning in 276 BC with the official ascension of his ancestor,Arsak / Ashoka / Hierón . Kónstantin may be identical with Kónstantin called also Almus ,recognized by some as king of Hungary too , father of the "dynasty of saints" of the country ,active until about 62 corresponding to 1127 of the Lakónian aera that had began in 1065 BC .
Kónstantinopolis is now called Istanbul ,so Kónstantin also corresponds to Aristobul ,meaning the Lion of Istanbul , so Kónstantin of Byzantion and of Georgia - until 1411 of the old European aera with beginning in 1349 BC - seems to be identical with Aristobul ,whose name in the Synagogue was Iudas ,that is Lion ,king of Iudaia , where Georgian Bagrationi dynasty takes its origin from ,son of Héródés of Khalkis ,who himself was granted the throne of Khalkis . Khalkis ius named after Al-Lak-Keha son of Asha-Leha ,wherefore the language spoken in Georgia is similar to that of Lhasa .
Kónstantin' other names may include Viracocha and Arvirag correspondin to Ag-Ayar-A'ar-Awa ,the epitheton of A-Wa-Hayet-Daha - called wrongly and commonly Yehudah / Iudas - ,Mircea Batrin,and Aithanarik ,that is Awid-Hanan-Rik ,king of the Goths ,while the name Kónstantin itself is explicable in the context of the Holy Land of America ,where he originated from,as Koonsa-Tawantin referring to Tawantin-Suyu ruled by the Inca dynasty of the "Land"s People ",translated as Liqan-Anta and Mapu-Che in some of its languages . Tarascas therefore called him Tamapucheca .
Aristobul Iuda's paternal uncle was Agrippa - nicknamed Pippin - ,whose name in the Byblical language means a bird ,or a certain species of birds ,father of the second Agrippa ,ruling until 44 and 78 respectively in the Holy Land . They are by sources using the aera of 1065 called Fulco ,a name that derives from the Latin word 'fulica' , describing a bird at least similar to a duck . So Doukas / Ducks family may just be descended from the latter ,as his name approximately meant a duck in the Levitic language spoken in Hiero-Solyma ,and he was Kónstantin's cousin .
A later member of Doukas dynasty was called Parapinakés ,what might have meant he ruled also or had dominions also at Pará-Api(n)aká tribe of Para state in the Holy Land ,of Caribe language - in a time when the origin of nobles has not yet been banned and forgotten - ,who may of part be descended from Apu-Inaka , that is the Lord Inca .
One of Aristobul's sons was Héródés Timótheos ,who might have been the ancestor or chief of Timote tribe in the Holy Land ,around Lake Maracaibo . 'Klef' in the latters' language meaning 'rainy season' ,may be explained from Araucanian 'ko-lef' ,meaning 'water-run ', while 'shömpu' in the meaning of 'water' may be so from 'chiway-wen-mapu' of Mapudungun ,that intends to say 'the froths of earth'. 'Shuent' fort 'three' could be 'che(m)-wente' ,that is the 'one above' - similarly to Secoyan 'tsamun-wente-cua' .
See Istanbul,Bethlen,Parakati,Bagrationi,Szamosújvárnémeti,Déri,Déry,Gutstein,Quito,Ugron,Anjou,Plantagenet, Ecuador,Dulo,Dúló,Huron,Demsky,Balkar,Dux,Dukas,Canada,Riyadi,Saudi,Mohammed,Brill,Antipan,Rakita,Inca, Dutch,Duchicela,Benin,Matyó,Csaba,Csobánka,Pasternak,Hunyady and more !
Balázs Déri