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  • Andronikos Doukas, Protovestiarios of the Byzantine Empire (1046 - 1077)
    Doukas=Andronikos Doukas or Andronicus Ducas (Greek: Ανδρόνικος Δούκας), (d. 14 October 1077) was a protovestiarios and protoproedros of the Byzantine Empire.Andronikos Doukas was son of the Caesar Joh...
  • Andronikos Doukas Angelos (c.1116 - 1185)
    Euphrosyne married Alexios Angelos, the older brother of the future Emperor Isaac II Angelos in c. 1169. Although Isaac II bestowed many titles and honors upon his brother, Alexios seized the throne on...
  • Andronikos Doukas (c.853 - c.908)
  • Co-Emperor Andronikos Doukas (c.967 - c.1029)
    The Dukas family== Andronikos Dukas, living ca 1020 (he was related to Emperor Konstantinos (+913) but exactly how is uncertain) had issue:*A1. Konstantinos X Dukas, Emperor of Byzantium (1059-67), +10...
  • Andronikos Doukas, Byzantine Co-Emperor (1058 - c.1077)
    Andronikos Doukas (Greek: Ἀνδρόνικος Δούκας , c. 1057 - c. 1077 or after 1081), Latinized as Andronicus Ducas , was the third son of Byzantine emperor Constantine X Doukas (r. 1059–1067) and younge...

About the Doukas surname

Doukas family of Byzantine emperors according to the tradition was descended from a cousin of Kónstantinos , ruling in the same place until about 62 ,corresponding to about 337 of the Parthian aera ,beginning in 276 BC with the official ascension of his ancestor,Arsak / Ashoka / Hierón . Kónstantin may be identical with Kónstantin called also Almus ,recognized by some as king of Hungary too , father of the "dynasty of saints" of the country ,active until about 62 corresponding to 1127 of the Lakónian aera that had began in 1065 BC .

Kónstantinopolis is now called Istanbul ,so Kónstantin also corresponds to Aristobul ,meaning the Lion of Istanbul , so Kónstantin of Byzantion and of Georgia - until 1411 of the old European aera with beginning in 1349 BC - seems to be identical with Aristobul ,whose name in the Synagogue was Iudas ,that is Lion ,king of Iudaia , where Georgian Bagrationi dynasty takes its origin from ,son of Héródés of Khalkis ,who himself was granted the throne of Khalkis . Khalkis ius named after Al-Lak-Keha son of Asha-Leha ,wherefore the language spoken in Georgia is similar to that of Lhasa .

Kónstantin' other names may include Viracocha and Arvirag correspondin to Ag-Ayar-A'ar-Awa ,the epitheton of A-Wa-Hayet-Daha - called wrongly and commonly Yehudah / Iudas - ,Mircea Batrin,and Aithanarik ,that is Awid-Hanan-Rik ,king of the Goths ,while the name Kónstantin itself is explicable in the context of the Holy Land of America ,where he originated from,as Koonsa-Tawantin referring to Tawantin-Suyu ruled by the Inca dynasty of the "Land"s People ",translated as Liqan-Anta and Mapu-Che in some of its languages . Tarascas therefore called him Tamapucheca .

Aristobul Iuda's paternal uncle was Agrippa - nicknamed Pippin - ,whose name in the Byblical language means a bird ,or a certain species of birds ,father of the second Agrippa ,ruling until 44 and 78 respectively in the Holy Land . They are by sources using the aera of 1065 called Fulco ,a name that derives from the Latin word 'fulica' , describing a bird at least similar to a duck . So Doukas / Ducks family may just be descended from the latter ,as his name approximately meant a duck in the Levitic language spoken in Hiero-Solyma ,and he was Kónstantin's cousin .

A later member of Doukas dynasty was called Parapinakés ,what might have meant he ruled also or had  dominions also at Pará-Api(n)aká tribe of Para state in the Holy Land ,of Caribe language - in a time when the  origin of nobles has not yet been banned and forgotten - ,who may of part be descended from Apu-Inaka , that is the Lord Inca .

One of Aristobul's sons was Héródés Timótheos ,who might have been the ancestor or chief of Timote tribe in the Holy Land ,around Lake Maracaibo . 'Klef' in the latters' language meaning 'rainy season' ,may be explained from Araucanian 'ko-lef' ,meaning 'water-run ', while 'shömpu' in the meaning of 'water' may be so from 'chiway-wen-mapu' of Mapudungun ,that intends to say 'the froths of earth'. 'Shuent' fort 'three' could be 'che(m)-wente' ,that is the 'one above' - similarly to Secoyan 'tsamun-wente-cua' .

See Istanbul,Bethlen,Parakati,Bagrationi,Szamosújvárnémeti,Déri,Déry,Gutstein,Quito,Ugron,Anjou,Plantagenet, Ecuador,Dulo,Dúló,Huron,Demsky,Balkar,Dux,Dukas,Canada,Riyadi,Saudi,Mohammed,Brill,Antipan,Rakita,Inca, Dutch,Duchicela,Benin,Matyó,Csaba,Csobánka,Pasternak,Hunyady and more !

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