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Donner Genealogy and Donner Family History Information

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  • prof. Andreas Matthias Donner (1918 - 1992)
    Andreas Matthias (André) Donner (Rotterdam, 15 januari 1918 – Amersfoort, 24 augustus 1992) was een vooraanstaand Nederlands rechtsgeleerde.Hij studeerde rechten aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, wa...
  • Bronislawa Gichner Distler Donner (1908 - 1990)
    Name: Bronisława Gichner Maiden Name: Salts Nationality: Polnisch (Polish) Marital Status: Verheiratet (Married) Birth Date: 08 Mai 1908 (8 May 1908) Birth Place: Krakau (Kraków), Krakau ID Issued Date...
  • Elizabeth Donner Norment (1911 - 1980)
    Other last names Roosevelt, Winsor
  • Franziska Donner (1900 - 1992)
  • Frank Fay (1891 - 1961)
    Fay (November 17, 1891 – September 25, 1961) was an American vaudeville comedian and film and stage actor. Highly successful in vaudeville, he originated the role of "Elwood P. Dowd" in the Broadway pl...

About the Donner surname

Website 5505590330
Onderwerp 3320636888

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