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  • controversial Canadian legend (deceased)
    Thomas Francis of Savoy, prince of Carignano (1596-1656) 29 year old married in 1625 Marie of Savoy, countess of Soissons (1606-1692) 19 year old. François Savoie (1621-1678) was here on GENI connected...
  • Adelaide of Susa (1016 - bef.1091)
    - EN (c. 1014/1020 – 19 December 1091) FR (née vers 1020 à Turin et morte le 19 décembre 1091 à Canischio) IT (Torino, 1016 – Canischio, 19 dicembre 1091) - 1. ADELAIDA di Susa (Turin 1020-Canis...
  • Adelheid von Andechs, comtesse de Bourgogne (c.1225 - 1279)
    - . ALIX [Adelheid] von Andechs (-Evian 8 Mar 1279). The marriage contract between “Otho dux Meranie comes palatinus Burgundiæ...Alys filiam meam” and “Hugoni filio Joannis comitis Cabilonensis” is dat...
  • Adeline de Haute Lorraine (c.1245 - 1278)

About the di Savoia surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the di Savoia surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the di Savoia surname.

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