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  • Abraham Desmarais (1790 - 1876)
    Fødsel & Død 23 Sept 1790 i Fredericia - 8 Sept 1876 Dåbsnotat: 85. Abraham Desmarais - Død den 8. 1876 Torsdag 23. september 1790 fødtes en søn til Jacob Desmarais af Anne Deleuran , hans hustru, ...
  • Abraham 'Petersen' Mareen (1785 - 1854)
    født Abraham Desmarais: 6 February 1785 - Fredericia Reformerte Kirke Fredericia Reformerte Menighed døbt Abraham Desmarais, født 6. februar 1785, en søn af Pierre Desmarait og hustru Susanne Du...
  • André Desmarais
    é Desmarais, OC, OQ, BA, LLD (born October 26, 1956 in Ottawa, Ontario) is a Canadian businessman, whose hometown is Montreal, Quebec.
  • France Chrétien Desmarais
    Chrétien Desmarais, CM is a Canadian lawyer and businesswoman. She is the daughter of Jean Chrétien, twentieth Prime Minister of Canada. She is married to André Desmarais, president of the Montreal-bas...

About the Desmarais surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Desmarais surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Desmarais surname.

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