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der Franken Genealogy and der Franken Family History Information

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  • Adele van Wezel - Franken (1866 - 1920)
    another possible death date is 21 October 1921Bruidegom: Herman Franken Geboorteplaats: Ommen Geboortedatum: vrijdag 15 oktober 1858 Beroep: Koopman Vader bruidegom: Abraham Jozeph Franken Beroep: comm...
  • Al Franken, U.S. Senate
    Alan Stuart "Al" Franken is an American comedian, actor, writer and politician. He was the junior United States Senator from Minnesota, but resigned on January 2, 2018, after allegations of sexual misc...
  • Aron Franken (1881 - 1943)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:Franken, Arongeboren am 23. Juni 1881 in Elten / Rees / Rheinprovinz wohnhaft in KleveInhaftierung: bis 11. Mai 1943, Westerbork, SammellagerEmigration: 1937, ...
  • Arthémia of Geneva (c.510 - 559)
    Arthemia, perhaps a sister of Sacerdos, Gallo-Roman Archbiship of Lyons, 542-559.Source: 'Royalty for Commoners', Roderick W. Stuart, 1993, p 128. 'Pedigrees of Some of the Emperor Charlemagne's Descen...
  • Bella Franken (1826 - 1893)
    Bruidegom Mozes Joseph Franken Geboorteplaats Anholt (Pruisen) Leeftijd 41 Bruid Bela Prins Geboorteplaats Alkmaar Leeftijd 32 Vader van de bruidegom Joseph Abraham Franken Moeder van de bruidegom Juli...

About the der Franken surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the der Franken surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the der Franken surname.

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