There are already 82 users and 3,224 genealogy profiles with the Denman surname on Geni. Explore Denman genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Biography John Denman and his second wife, Lockey Marsh, had three sons who died in infancy. We know the name, Abraham Hendricks Denman, from his burial record, but have not yet (2023) found the names ...
Biography John Denman and his second wife, Lockey Marsh, had three sons who died in infancy. We know the name, Abraham Hendricks Denman, from his burial record, but have not yet (2023) found the names ...
Denman Family History Christopher, the youngest son of John Denman and Mary Williams was born March 5, 1741, and died October 28, 1808. In 1766 he married Abigail, daughter of Isaac Hendricks and Lydia...
Biography John Denman and his second wife, Lockey Marsh, had three sons who died in infancy. We know the name, Abraham Hendricks Denman, from his burial record, but have not yet (2023) found the names ...
Spouse: Mary B. Denman
Origins From Denman Family History: From the Earliest Authentic Records Down to the ... By Harriet Newell Harris (1913) Page 26.
John Denman , the only son of Christopher an...
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