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  • Ada or Ida de Warenne, Countess of Huntingdon (c.1120 - c.1178)
    Ada de Warenne==From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaAda de Warenne (or Adeline de Varenne) (c. 1120–1178) was the Anglo-Norman wife of Henry of Scotland, Earl of Northumbria and Earl of Huntingdon. Sh...
  • Adela de Bellême (c.1110 - 1174)
    ID: I30130 Name: Adelia Talvas (Talvace) Marchioness Surname: Talvas (Talvace) Given Name: Adelia Suffix: Marchioness Prefix: Countess Sex: F Birth: ABT 1110 in Alencon, Normandy, France ...
  • Adela de Warrenne, Concubine #1 of John "Lackland" of England (c.1168 - c.1212)
    Adela de Warenne was the daughter of Hamelin d'Anjou, 5th Earl of Surrey and Isabella de Warenne. She and John I 'Lackland', King of England were associated. Child of Adela de Warenne and John I 'L...
  • Alice de Warenne, Countess of Arundel (1287 - 1338)
    please note that Wikipedia is the only source that lists her exact birth and death dates other sources said she died before 23 May 1338there is also a question regarding her death place================...
  • Alix de Lusignan (c.1224 - 1256)
    Medlands: "Angoulême, La Marche, Perigod" Alice de Lusignan, Countess of Surrey – Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia Spouse: John de Warenne, 7th Earl of Surrey Issue: Eleanor de Warenne, Isabell...

About the de Warenne surname

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