There are already 113 users and 3,822 genealogy profiles with the de Pass surname on Geni. Explore de Pass genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Adolf Päss (ukj.16. veebruar 1908 Peterburi – 12. veebruar 1981 Tallinn) oli eesti poliitik (Eesti NSV Ülemnõukogu I koosseisu liige ja Eestimaa Kommunistliku Partei Valgamaa Komitee II ja I sekretär)....
Capper PASS was born c1780He was convicted and sentenced to 14 years tranportation.He arrived in Sydney Cove on 1/9/1819 on "Canada"He married Frances MILLS in 1828 Sydney City.Capper died in March 183...
GEDCOM Note Clara had no children. She was buried at Old Midway Baptist Church off of Highway 27. Pictures of her are on file. Obituary, Records Book G228.
Clara E. Pass Caldwell
15 Mar 1875
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