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de Pamplona Genealogy and de Pamplona Family History Information

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  • Andregoto Galíndez, condesa de Aragón (c.919 - 972)
    Biography Updated 11 March 2023 of the County of Aragon, was the Queen of Pamplona by marriage to García Sánchez I, prior to being divorced by him before 940. She was the mother of Sancho II of Pamp...
  • Chimena (deceased)
  • Dadildis de Pallars (c.855 - 884)
    =========================================================================== Parents unknown, but often said to have been a daughter of Lope IV de Bigorre and Faquilène de Rouergue . The Codex de R...
  • Fortún Garcés el Monje, rey de Pamplona (830 - c.922)
    FURTÚN GARCÉS “el Monje” y “el Tuerto”. Rey de Pamplona (870) 882, su padre lo dio como rehén al Emir de Córdoba, donde estuvo veinte años; fallecido ~905. Casó ~845 con: ORIA BANU-QASI, hija de Lope...

About the de Pamplona surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the de Pamplona surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the de Pamplona surname.

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