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de Haya Genealogy and de Haya Family History Information

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  • David de La Haya, 2nd Lord of Errol (c.1176 - c.1230)
    Sheriff of Forfar Sir David Hay (abt 1318-1346), who accompanied King David II of Scots (1329-1371) to the battle of Neville's Cross in 1346,where King David was captured and Sir David was killed (1...
  • Ethen de Strathearn (c.1174 - d.)
    of Gilbert, 3rd Earl of Strathearn)Ethne DE STRATHEARN was born ABT 1200 in Scotland, and died UNKNOWN. She was the daughter of 6. Gilbert Of STRATHEARN , 3rd CelticEarl Strathearn and 7. Matilda D'AUB...
  • Sir Gilbert de la Haya, 3rd Lord of Errol (c.1210 - aft.1258)
    of Perth (a 1237, 1262)Gilbert De LA HAYE , 3rd Laird Of Erroll was born ABT 1225 in Scotland, and died 1262. He married Idonea COMYN , Of Buchan, daughter of William DE COMYN , 1st Earl Of Buchan and ...
  • Idonea Comyn (1221 - c.1267)
    Name: Idonea COMYN , Of Buchan Birth: ABT 1220 in Scotland Death: UNKNOWNFather: William DE COMYN , 1st Earl Of Buchan b: ABT 1163 in Buchan, Aberdeenshire, Scotland Mother: Margaret Of BUCHAN , Counte...
  • Lady Jane Douglas, Countess of Lochor (1317 - 1357)
    Jane Douglas*Daughter of Sir James Douglas of Hermiston and of Lothian and Joan unknown*Wife of Sir William de Haya, Kt., of Locherworth Douglas, Born Abt 1300 Scotland Find all individuals with even...

About the de Haya surname

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