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de Chetwynd Genealogy and de Chetwynd Family History Information

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  • Adam de Chetwynd, Knight (bef.1165 - 1211)
    The first recorded mention of the lord of Chetwynd was of Adam de Chetwynd in 1180.>"Adam de Chetwynd occurs on the Forest-Roll of 1180 as compounding for a pourpresture by payment of three sillings. I...
  • Sir Adam de Chetwynd, of Cublesdon (c.1229 - bef.1282)
    Adam de Chetwynd was the youngest of Sir John de Chetwynd's three sons and was a very wealthy man [Eyton, viii., p.85]. He was the local banker and lawyer which gave him great opportunities to enrich h...
  • Agnes Lovell (c.1222 - 1283)
    To date, this profile has no historical sources to validate the name or data . The Complete Peerage doesn't show her, and online searches provide ancestral trees with her name but no sources.
  • Agnes Lovel (1170 - d.)
    Adam married Agnes Lovel, daughter of William de Lovel and Isabella, in 1194 in Chetwynd, Shropshire, England. (Agnes Lovel was born in 1170 in Minster Lovel, Oxfordshire, England.) (240)>" ... Sir Ada...
  • Alicia de Chetwynd (1268 - d.)
    daughter of Adam de Chetwynd* Birth: Circa 1268 - * Parents: Adam de Chetwynd, Eve de Chetwynd (born Oswaldestre)* Siblings: John de Chetwynd, Agnes ChetwyndJordan Puleston married a daughter of Adam d...

About the de Chetwynd surname

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