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de Bellème Genealogy and de Bellème Family History Information

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  • Adela de Bellême (c.1110 - 1174)
    ID: I30130 Name: Adelia Talvas (Talvace) Marchioness Surname: Talvas (Talvace) Given Name: Adelia Suffix: Marchioness Prefix: Countess Sex: F Birth: ABT 1110 in Alencon, Normandy, France ...
  • Countess Adelise de Bellème, De Mortagne (c.1014 - c.1060)
    concerns mother of Fulco / Fulke de Bellesme, seigneur de Nogent le Rotrou - a curator must attach due to relationship locks on this profile content to clean up Adelise de Bellême From Medlands:
  • Agnès d'Abbeville, comtesse de Ponthieu (c.1064 - 1102)
    Agnes de Ponthieu m: Robert de Bellême Issue: 1. GUILLAUME [I] "Talvas" 2. ANDRE 3. MABILE Agnes of Ponthieu became her father Count Guy's heiress, and was married to Robert of Bellême. Their...
  • Arnoul de Bellême (deceased)
    ARNOUL de Bellême From MEdlands: (-murdered). Guillaume de Jumièges names "Arnoul et Mabille" as children of Guillaume Talvas and Hildeburge, recording in a later passage his revolt against his f...

About the de Bellème surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the de Bellème surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the de Bellème surname.

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