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Davis Genealogy and Davis Family History Information

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  • Davis (deceased)
    My grandmother was Sarah Ann Davis who lived in Deloraine Tasmania. She was born on the 8th of September 1877 George John Upston was born on the 10th July 1873 in Westbury. Sarah met George years later...
  • Wife of George Davis (b. - c.1758)
    concerns== This NN resembles Sarah W. Davis . Are they supposed to be the same person? Further research is warranted.
  • 1st wife of John Davis (b. - bef.1686)
    John Davis was born 1633 in ST CLEMENT DANES, MIDDLESEX, and died BEF 28 JUN 1714 in ISLE OF WIGHT CO VA.. He was the son of Samuel Davis and Elizabeth Benton. Family John Davis (son Samuel Davis and...
  • 2 other children (4 children in total) Davis (bef.1799 - d.)
    4 children were noted in a letter he wrote to his wife Mary in 1799 prior to his transportation - only 2 were listed by name John and Sally
  • ?? Davis (bef.1701 - bef.1742)
    The executors of John Rose's 1742 will were Mary, his widow, his sons-in-law Thomas Stamps and Thomas Dodson. Witnesses were William Stonum and Eleanor Chapman. The will gave to his wife's son James Bl...

About the Davis surname



Davis is a Welsh surname, derived from the name David meaning son of David, well-loved.


The surname Davis is an English surname. It is derived from the medieval name Davy, which in turn comes from the Hebrew name David, meaning ‘beloved’. The Davis family is a large and ancient family, with many descendants all over the world. In Colombia, the Davis family is well-known and respected. It is believed that the first Davis family members arrived in Colombia in the 18th century. Since then, this family has contributed to Colombian culture in many ways, from music to politics. The Davis family is known for their loyalty, hard work, and love for family. This family has produced many successful leaders, artists, musicians, and entrepreneurs. The Davis family is also known for their generosity and commitment to the community. The first person with the Davis surname to arrive in Colombia was John Davis, who was a merchant. Taken from:

other versions of this surname
