There are already 2,785 users and over 79,997 genealogy profiles with the da Costa surname on Geni. Explore da Costa genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Bruidegom Mozes Bamberg Beroep kapper Geboorteplaats Amsterdam Leeftijd 38 Bruid Abigael da Costa Senior Geboorteplaats Amsterdam Leeftijd 30 Vader van de bruidegom Magnus David Bamberg Beroep kapper M...
Updated from Ancestry Genealogy via son Giuseppe Romano by SmartCopy : Nov 27 2015, 22:23:28 UTC * Reference: Ancestry Genealogy - SmartCopy : Mar 26 2016, 6:06:24 UTC
Holland during 1600's. They spelled their name, at that pont, Dacoster. I believe they took on The Anglo spelling. If anybody knows if that happens, I be pleased to find out for sure
Thanks so much. Linda.
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