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Crispin Genealogy and Crispin Family History Information

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  • Abigail Stone (1599 - d.)
    What is the source for her maiden name of Crispin?===FamilyCrispin was born 1599 in England, and died date unknown.She married John Stone on 1615 in England.More About Abigail Crispin and John Stone: M...
  • (female) Le Scrope (c.1030 - 1076)
    See "My Lines"( )from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA( )
  • Agnes Cornish (1584 - 1618)
  • Amey Crispin (bef.1781 - bef.1785)
  • Amey Walke Crispin (c.1787 - bef.1851)
    England Births and Christenings===* Name Amey Walke Crispin* Gender Female* Christening Date 18 Sep 1785* Christening Place NEWTON FERRERS,DEVON,ENGLAND* Father's Name Joseph Crispin* Mother's Name Wil...

About the Crispin surname

Hello, Please may I ask if any men with the surname Crispin have Y-DNA results that match mine? If they do, this will confirm many years of detailed historical research and prove that both of us are directly descended down all-male lines of ancestry from the famous, high-ranking noble family called Crispin which was first recorded in Normandy and then in England during the 11th Century. The important details for comparison in our results are:

STR markers DYS 390 = 22, DYS459 = 7-9, YCAII = 18-21. Terminal SNPs = I-Z63, I-L1237, I-Y6634 plus one or two others.

If you are a Crispin and share all or most of these numbers with me this would be of some genealogical and historical significance, not just for us but for several other serious family history research projects.

For further information you are welcome to visit my personal research website at

I explain in this why I think my family is descended from the aristocratic Crispin knights living 1,000 years ago and present the evidence in detail. If anybody does have these numbers in their Y-DNA results, please contact me at

I am genuine and promise I will respect your privacy. But it would be a marvellous revelation if any Crispin families do share these identifying haplogroup markers, which would confirm their ancient lineage.

Thank you.

Nick Wormley. .