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Crane Genealogy and Crane Family History Information

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  • Abiah Williams (1716 - c.1812)
    Benjamin Babbitt (Elkanah-Edward). Born (About 1706). Appointed assessor at first town meeting in Berkley, May 12, 1735. Died between Dec. 1752, and March, 1753, Will dated Dec, 11, 1752, Married (1st)...
  • Abial Crane (1825 - 1908)
    Abial Reed was born in Moriah, Essex Co., New York on Mar. 20. 1825. She married on Mar. 23, 1843 with JAMES H. CRANE, son of Samuel Crane and Katurah Roundy. He was born Jan. 23, 1815 in Washington, N...
  • Abigail Crane (1694 - 1765)
    GEDCOM Note ===Gurley Burial Grounds .From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996. From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996. ENDOWMENT: DATE 3 MAY 1928 SL/3 AUG 1934
  • Abigail Wright (c.1671 - 1740)
    Abigail Butler was born in 1674 in Wethersfield Township, Hartford County, Connecticut, USA, The Daughter of Nathaniel Butler and Sarah Green.Abigail Butler married Samuel Walker on February 23, 1696.A...
  • Abigail Knight (1703 - 1790)
    Crane's husband, David E. Knight, was also her 2nd cousin (both being great-grandchildren of William Backus "The Immigrant").

About the Crane surname