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Cottrell Genealogy and Cottrell Family History Information

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  • Abigail Reynolds (1752 - 1843)
  • Adam Cottrell (c.1869 - d.)
    Adam Cottrell ( born c1869) is listed as # 448 on the 1907 Wooster Roll. No traditional name is recorded. Adam Cottrell's residence is listed on the roll as Sarnia, Ontario.
  • Alethea Cottrell (1787 - 1867)
    Reference: Find A Grave Memorial - SmartCopy : Jul 7 2019, 10:36:56 UTC
  • Anna Cottrell (c.1648 - c.1711)
    Links* I.D.: LHZQ-F86 Cottrell formerly PeabodyBorn about 1635 in North Kingston, Washington Co; Rhode Island, Colonial AmericaDaughter of John Peabody and Dorothy (Tooley) PeabodySister of Mary (Peabo...
  • Anne Dormer (c.1649 - 1695)

About the Cottrell surname

There seems to be some descepancy with who Sylvester Cottrell's parents are. He was b. 1742, died in 1830, was married to Margaret Pendleton in 1767, and one of his sons named Shubal Cottrell. The parents I have at the moment are Joshua Cottrell and Desire Crandall but the wedding dates can't be right with Sylvester's birth. Anyone shed any light on this? I would appreciate any information.