There are already 22 users and 1,260 genealogy profiles with the Coney surname on Geni. Explore Coney genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
William CONEY c. 1488 married: Agnes LANGRAKE about 1510 Alice or Alison (c. 1512) Margaret (c. 1514) Agnes (c. 1517) Roger (c. 1520)--------------------Agnes' birth and death information is available at
The Visitation of the county of Warwick in the year 1619. Taken by William Camden, Clarenceaux king of arms (1877)* . Leigh of Walington in Com. Salop yonger son of John Leigh of Ridg 2 sone to Sr Peir...
Matthew Gooch
1.1.3. Matthew Gooch , son of William & Elizabeth (Baspoole) Gooch , b. 1613, England; m. to Alice Coney , b. 1617, England.
Matthew & Alice (Coney) Gooch had two (2) children:
§ El...
Coney Barrett (born 1972) was sworn in as a justice of the United States Supreme Court on 27 October 2020, filling the seat left vacant by the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Associate Justice of the U...
I remember going to Ngaio Primary School, New Zealand with Christopher & Jeremy CONEY (twins) in 1956-58 approx. I believe they are the two Coneys who were prominent in rugby & cricket later in their lives.
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