There are already 412 users and over 14,419 genealogy profiles with the Combs surname on Geni. Explore Combs genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Biography From “Richard COMBS I of Hempstead, Queens Co, Long Island, NY” ( document attached )
Thomas I (Richard1), Carpenter, was born aft 1662 (not on 1683 Hempstead Rolls), and before 1678 (presu...
According to the Fanny Combs Gough Manuscript ... William COMBS' eldest three children were by an unidentified first wife and that he m 2nd Mary Tribelly HATTON who, following his death, m John JENKINS...
Research says it comes from the Devonshire area of England. Members of the Drapers Guild of London. I have solid evidence from early 1800's to me, but it gets shaky from 1619-1800 as so many of the are named John and Joseph, and James.
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