There are already 132 users and over 5,452 genealogy profiles with the Cloutier surname on Geni. Explore Cloutier genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Women in Nouvelle France where not known by their husband's names Her godfather was Pierre Bribant and her godmother, Anne Auber === GEDCOM Source ===Canadian Genealogy Index, 1600s-1900s Genealogical ...
Notes * Location info: Château-Richer (birth,marraige,death)* Other family trees say date of birth December 6, 1665 (i.e. 12/6/1665 vs. 6/12/1665). === GEDCOM Source ===@R-997415178@ Quebec, Genealogic...
Notes * Location info: Perche, France (naissance), Québec (mariage), Château-Richer (décès); a habité La Cloutièrerie à Beauport * Pionnière de la Nouvelle-France . Arrive au Québec le 4 juin 1634 à bo...
Cloutier became Anglicized in New England as Clukey. Dexter, Maine has a tremendous number of Cloutiers (Clukeys) descendants.
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