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  • Anna Maria Bergey (1706 - 1789)
    chart:* 1 Mary Reiff CLEMENS b. 1706 d. 1789 *.... John (Hans) Ulrich BERGEY * .......+ 2 John BERGEY * .......+ 2 Michael BERGEY * .......+ 2 Isaac BERGEY * .......+ 2 Samuel BERGEY* .......+ 2 Mary B...
  • Anneli Hiestand Clemens (1680 - 1745)
    . Gearhart Clemens, born 1680. He was the son of 664. Jacob Clement and 665. Mary ?. He married 333. Anneli Reiff. 333. Anneli Reiff, born 1684 in Germany. She was the daughter of 666. Michael Reiff an...
  • Barbara Derstein Clemens (c.1714 - 1779)
    GEDCOM Source ===@R753463908@ U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current Operations, Inc. Find A Grave . Find A Grave. . 1,60525::0 === GEDCOM Source ===1,60525::47544110 === GED...
  • Caroline "Cato" Moulder (c.1818 - 1908)
    Birth surname changed for some reason.Suspected theft of a hat worth 20 shillings Mr Samual Eness. Note that Caroline's father shows as being a hatter by trade on her death certificate. Did the whole f...
  • Catarina Clemens (1722 - 1810)
    Catherine S BACHMAN Sex: F Birth: 1722 Death: 1810 Reference Number: 86630Marriage 1 Abraham R CLEMENS b: 1710 in Montgomery Co, Pennsylvania Married: ABT. 1740 Children George B CLEMENS b: 1732 in Mon...

About the Clemens surname

My grandmother was Eva Lena Clemens Joplin. Her father was Edwin J Clemens b.1869 in Arkansas, d. c.1940; married to Ada Bell Rosson Clemens, b. Jan. 28, 1880?, in Tennesssee, d. May 3, 1947. Their other children were Emma S., Lela M., Virginia, Edna B., Ben T., Arnold and Donald. I cannot find who Edwin's parents were. My mother, who did a lot of family genealogy, said she thought that Samuel Clemens was, ie, a 6th great uncle, or such, but I cannot find any of her notes about this family.

My name is Johnny F. A. Kooderings Clemens, born in 1947 in Rotterdam, Holland. I've lived outside Holland since 1961 and therefore can no longer speak or write Dutch. Originally, my family name was Clemens. The first individual in my family tree was Jacobus Clemens, born prior to 1739 in Stevensweert LI, Holland. He was married twice, and he died in 1791 in Rotterdam, Holland. I've started to load my family tree in Geni, so you can look at it and maybe gather some more information to help you out with your search. I've not been able to find any ancestors before Jacobus Clemens. Jacobus' second son Wilhelmus was married twice. The second marriage was to Christina Kooderings, and she listed some of their children's family name in the birth register as Kooderings Clemens. Ever since that time, our family name has been that way. If anyone has any information about ancestors of Jacobus, please find my family tree in Geni and contact me through there. Regards, John Kooderings Clemens