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  • Ann Chenoweth (1788 - 1802)
    Anne Chenoweth was the daughter of John Chenoweth and wife Mary Pugh. She was born March 21, 1788 in Hampshire County, Virginia and died in Randolph County, Virginia in 1802, aged 14.
  • Ann Chenoweth (1740 - 1790)
    Died before 1778 based on date of second marriage. See source below. , Jr. JR., b. March 31, 1740, Baltimore Co., MD; d. 1803, Baltimore Co., MD; m. (1) ANN BEASMAN, 1758; b. July 27, 1740, Baltimore C...
  • Anne Chenoweth (1722 - 1797)
    Anne Chenoweth ( born Polk) born 1722 Baltimore Co, Maryland, died 1785 Berkley Co, West Virginia. Marriage to William Chenoweth Feb. 12th 1743 in VA. their children were William, Isaac, Absolom, and J...
  • Arthur Chenoweth, I (1716 - 1802)
    ARTHUR CHENOWETH OF BALTIMORE 1716-1802 Arthur Chenoweth was the third son and fifth child of John Chenoweth I and wife Mary Calvert. He was born about 1716, probably in Pennsylvania, but possibly in N...
  • Arthur C. Chenoweth (1752 - 1828)

About the Chenoweth surname

Spellings: "Chenoweth" can be spelled in a variety of ways. Though CHENOWETH, and to a lesser extent, CHENOWITH are the most pervasive spellings today [ the only 2 to have over 100 listed names in the 2000 Census], CHINOWETH, CHENOWTH, CHINOWTH, CHENWORTH, CHINWORTH, CHINEWORTH, CHANEYWORTH, CHENEYWORTH AND CHINOUTH are found in particular, select branches. Regardless, they are all the same family. The breakdown of this names is roughly as follows:

Chenoweth - The most common usage - 88% of the family uses this spelling (4699 enumerated in 2000 Census) Chenowith - Used by slightly more than 5% - most common in Baltimore Co., MD & Arkansas (231 enumerated in 2000 Census) Chenworth - The unkown Baltimore line of Thomas the son of George Chinworth - The Indiana line of Robert5 Arthur4 Arthur3 Arthur2 John1 Tennessee lines [all from RICHARD2: John3] Chenowth - Tennessee line found in Arizona, California, and Texas Chinowth - Tennessee line found in Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, Nebraska & California Chinouth - Tennessee line in Johnson City, TN and Illinois Texas lines Cheneyworth - lines of John M. assumed to be the s/o Joshua(4) Larence Co., PA Chaneyworth - lines of John M. assumed to be the s/o Joshua(4) Larence Co., PA Chenyworth - lines of John M. assumed to be the s/o Joshua(4) Larence Co., PA Cheneweth - Unknown lines of Thomas m: Ann Quirk Missouri line Chineworth - Isaac Newton s/o Joseph [THOMAS2 line] & an Archibald (former slave of unidentified origin).. see newsletter rare usages Chinoweth Chinowith no longer used Chinneth - found only in early times within the family and a Black family that lived in Oklahoma in the early 1900s In research of documents of earlier times there are many spellings, even for the same individual. This list is not inclusive, but they are the more common of what I have run across: CHANEYWORTH, CHENOWETH, CHENOWITH, CHINOWETH, CHENEWETH, CHINOWITH, CHENOWTH, CHINOWTH, CHENNOWETH, CHENNOWITH, CHENOWIRTH, CHINOWIRTH, CHENOWORTH, CHENNERWORTH, CHENERWETH, CHENNEYWORTH, CHENEYWORTH, CHENYWORTH, CHINNEYWORTH, CHENNEWORTH, CHENWORTH, CHINWORTH, CHINAWITH, CHINAWORTH, CHINEWORTH, CHINEWOTH, CHIENTH, CHINNETH, CHINOETH, CHINAUTH, CHINOUTH.

The one spelling that I have never found associated with the family is CHYNOWETH, though it is the same Cornish root name. Another spelling, CHENNITH, though seen in family records in earlier times, the modern usage by certain families does not appear to be part of the Chenoweth family of John and Mary. For this site all descendants with the Chenoweth-Surname have been sorted together under the spelling Chenoweth.

The distribution map below depicts the spread of the Chenoweth name in the 1930 Census. Found in 45 0f the 48 states, it is relatively rare in New England and the South. The traditional early settlement states of Maryland, West Virginia (the Virginia), Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri form an almost direst straight line west that became extended into Kansas and Colorado in the latter part of the 1800s. The name also depicts the early jump to the West Coast.. [This distribution includes only males bearing the Chenoweth name descended from the family of John Chenoweth and Mary Cavert for a total of 1,417 males found in the 1930 Census. The 1930 Census has a relatively low "found" rate. We estimate there were probably as many as 1,700 male Chenoweth named members in 1930]. Further discussion of spelling and numbers found in Censuses can be found on the Census page.