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Charif Genealogy and Charif Family History Information

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  • Moshe Charif (1933 - 1982)
    מזכיר איחוד הקבוצות והקיבוצים וחבר כנסת
  • Rabbi Moshe Charif, ABD Kremenetz, Lvov (deceased)
    NOTE: I believe there is a mistake with the father of Rabbi Moshe Charif, ABD Kremenetz, Lvov . The correct father according to Jacobi is Chief Rabbi Israel Shachna . He is actually a Moshe Shachna Cha...
  • Rabbi Moshe Charif, RABD Krakow (1617 - 1688)
    Moshe Babad's father, Rabbi Yehoshua Heschel Charif (born in Vilna around 1580 and died in 5408-1648 in Krakow) was one of the students of the Maharam of Lublin and of Rabbi Yehoshua Falk. He had many ...
  • R' Yehoshua Heschel Charif, of Krakow, Meginei Shlomo (c.1593 - 1648)
    Rabbi Yehoshua Heschel Charif (born in Vilna around 1580 and died in 5408-1648 in Krakow) was one of the students of the Maharam of Lublin and of Rabbi Yehoshua Falk. He served in Grodno from Elul 5394...
  • Yocheved Frenkel Charif (1771 - 1805)
    A descendent writes about her and the history of his family:"Yocheved Katz, one of the daughters of Shmuel Katz-Lasker. She married R' Yehuda of Lissa, author of "Beit Yehuda", whose surname was Fraenk...

About the Charif surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Charif surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Charif surname.

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