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Chajes Genealogy and Chajes Family History Information

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  • Julius T. Chajes (1910 - 1985)
    Julius Chajes was a highly accomplished virtuoso concert pianist as well as conductor who settled in America as a refugee from the Third Reich in the wake of the Austrian electorate’s vote for annexati...
  • Menahem Manish Chajes ABD Vilna (1560 - 1636)
    One of the earliest rabbis of Vilna. On the text of his tombstone see Sid Leiman's blog: Text reconstruction: פה נטמן בו גאון עוזנו |חשך| היום עלינו, |משיח| ה' רוח אפי|נו| מים זילו עפעפינו, אוי נא...
  • Sarah Chajes, (alleged, but unlikely MaHaRal's 1st wife) (deceased)
    One biography of Maharal - ויקיגניה - claims that the Maharal was married twice. His first wife was the daughter of Rabbi Abraham Haiut, and Lea & Feigele were daughters of this marriage. Most other bi...
  • Yaakov Chajes (b. - 1671)
    Segal, Yehezkel, Torat Yehezkel, Abraham Singer (ed.), Pecs, 1899: "He [Isaac Hayut Jr. who composed the book of 'Zera Yitzhak' on the Mishnah (Frankfurt, 1732)] was the son of R. Jacob Hayut" (Introdu...
  • Zvi (Hirsch) Perez Chajes, Chief Rabbi of Vienna (1876 - 1927)
    Zwi Perez Chajes , also Tzvi-Peretz Hayot, (1876 – 14 December 1927) was a rabbi, historian, biblical scholar and a notable Zionist leader. Biography Chajes was born in 1876 in Brody, then in Austria-H...

About the Chajes surname

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