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  • (Unknown) (deceased)
  • Abigail Carey (1696 - 1725)
  • Abigail Cary (1651 - 1729)
    Husband of Abigail (Penniman) Cary — married 7 Dec 1670 in Bridgewater, Plymouth Colony John Cary II (1645 - 1721) John Cary II aka Carie Born 4 Nov 1645 in Duxbury, Plymouth Colony Son of John Cary...
  • Adam Carey, of Devonshire (c.1169 - c.1199)
    From Thomas Carey , December 2017:It is clear that Adam de Kerry is not the son of Henry Lovel and was not the Lord of Castle Carey in Somersetshire. It is far more likely that the Carys were a Devon f...
  • Sir Adolphus Carey, Kt., MP (c.1578 - 1609)
    Family and Education b. c.1578, 2nd s. of Sir Edward Carey† (d.1618) of Aldenham, Herts. and Catherine, da. of Sir Henry Knyvet of East Horsley, Surr.; bro. of Sir Henry I* and Sir Philip*.1 educ. G. I...

About the Carey surname



Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Ciardha, a midland family name meaning ‘descendant of Ciardha’, a personal name derived from ciar ‘dark’, ‘black’. Irish: Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Fhiachra ‘son of Fiachra’.


Habitational name from Carey in Devon or Cary in Somerset, named for the rivers on which they stand; both river names probably derive from the Celtic root car- ‘love’, ‘liking’, perhaps with the meaning ‘pleasant stream’. English (of Norman origin): habitational name from the manor of Carrey, near Lisieux, Normandy, France, of uncertain origin.

Welsh and Cornish

Variant of Carew.


Possibly an Americanized form of German Gehrig or Gehring.

other versions of this surname

other possible versions of this surname