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Camacho Genealogy and Camacho Family History Information

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  • Adelmo Camacho (1916 - 1985)
    Adelmo Camacho was a Filipino politician and lawyer who served as governor of Bataan from December 30, 1952 to December 30, 1955.
  • Aleixo Camacho (deceased)
    Aleixo Camacho ==Nascido - Freguesia de CedrosCasado com Isabel Luís +, tiveram#Luís de Oliveira +#Sabina Camacho de Oliveira +1672#Domingas de Oliveira#Barbara Luís +#Sebastião -#MatiasOBS: Por falta ...
  • Ana Camacho (c.1560 - c.1613)
    Ascendência de Anna Camacho,por Luiz Gonzaga da Silva Leme, Volume IX ,pag 65, Genealogia PaulistanaPág. 30 - Cap. 5.º: João Ramalho. Quando aí descrevemos a sua descendência, lamentávamos a perda do s...
  • Andrés Ramón Camacho (1670 - 1760)
    In MyHeritage Family Trees* Andrés Ramón Camacho * 1670 - ? * Birth: 1670 Guerrero, Coahuila, México * Occupation: Capitán * Marriage: Marriage to: Sep 24 1704 Santiago Apóstol, Monclova, Coahuila, Méx...

About the Camacho surname

Camacho family once might have been a member of cho-kama tribe representing itself also in the Holy Land of America. They are related to noa-nama and as such might have previously lived in the golden city of Manoa and might descend from An-Nam-Ma-ya-'Ala descendant of Ar-Ra'ayab-Ban-Na speaking a language near to nama dialects and through it burmese and to teda as well. They might have though come to America with the Makedonians and with Antiokhos who must have founded there the town of Antioquia which they live in the vicinity of.

Jews and christians read Namu'el and Re'uben .

See Arbanas,Ibarra,Hanák,Moldván,Neugeboren and more !

Balázs Déri