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Cahan Genealogy and Cahan Family History Information

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  • Abraham Cahan (1860 - 1951)
    , Abraham (kän) [key], 1860–1951, Russian-American journalist, Socialist leader, and author, b. Vilnius, Lithuania. He emigrated to New York City in 1882, entered journalism, and helped found the Jewis...
  • Adam Cahan
    Adam Cahan (born December 30, 1971) is a consumer technology executive who currently serves as the Senior Vice President of Mobile and Emerging Products for Yahoo!, where he oversees the company's glob...
  • Anne V
    Anne Sergeyevna Vyalitsyna (Russian: А́нна Серге́евна Вьяли́цына; born 19 March 1986), also known as Anne V, is a Russian-American model and actress. She is perhaps best known for her 10-consecutive-ye...
  • Elizabeth O'Cahan (1602 - 1680)
  • NN. ingen Dougall (deceased)
    Note: couple was never married -had one illegitimate son, note: not a spouse unknown daughter McHenry is the daughter of Dougall McHenry of Glencoe . Child of unknown daughter McHenry and Angus 'Oig' M...

About the Cahan surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Cahan surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Cahan surname.

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