There are already 726 users and over 27,459 genealogy profiles with the Brandt surname on Geni. Explore Brandt genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
DAR# A013791 It appears he has 3 entries on Find a Grave. This one has a picture of his tombstone and is probably where he is actually buried, which is in Pennsylvania . It also links to the graves of ...
familytreemaker ... ; * 7878. Albert Andriessen Bradt, born 26 Aug 1607 in Fredrickstad,Ostfold,Norway; died 07 Jun 1686 in Albany,Albany County,New York. He was the son of 15756. Andries Arentse Bradt...
The name "Brandt" originates from the German provins Schlesvig-Holstein and means "torch" in old German. The familiy owned mines and had a crest consisting of three flaming torches.
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