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Bradbury Genealogy and Bradbury Family History Information

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  • Alice Bradbury, [Free Settler "Mary 1822] (1780 - d.)
    Alice was born c1780Alice married William BRADBURY in England and they had a daughter* Mary 1798When William was convicted of forgery and sentenced to transportation to Australia, Alice and Mary remain...
  • Andrew R. Bradbury (1839 - d.)
  • Anne Damport Bradbury (c.1410 - 1443)
    Anne Damport Davenport (daughter of Robert Davenport and Joan Ashton) was born 1410 in Bramhall, Cheshire, England, and died 1443 in Stansted Montfechet, Essex, England. She married Robert Bradbury, so...
  • Anne Bradbury (1454 - 1490)
    Anne WYANT 1 was born 1454 in Littlebury, Essex, England. She married Robert BRADBURY on 1475 in Littlebury, Essex, England.They had the following children:* M i William BRADBURY was born 1476 and d...
  • Benjamin Bradbury, I (1744 - 1834)
    A Patriot of the American Revolution for MASSACHUSETTS with the rank of SERGEANT. DAR Ancestor # A013302

About the Bradbury surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Bradbury surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Bradbury surname.

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