There are already 173 users and over 5,647 genealogy profiles with the Boudreau surname on Geni. Explore Boudreau genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
"Acadian Immigrants to Lafourche des Chitimachas/Valenzuéla, 1785-86" -
Exiled to VA 1755, age 25
Deported to England 1756, age 26
Repatriated to France aboard La Dorothée, arrived...
GEDCOM Source ===The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch Name: Name: Name: ( );;; === GEDCOM Source ===accessed 12 Jun 2018), entry for Jeanne...
GEDCOM Source ===The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch Name: ( ); === GEDCOM Source ===accessed 12 Jun 2018), entry for Anne Hébert, person ...
Drouin Institute (Archived marriage record - see attached in Media tab)
She had 2 children. === GEDCOM Note ===weRelate:Marie-Anne BoudrotBirth 1732Marriage Jan 1, 1752Parents An...
"Acadian Immigrants to Lafourche des Chitimachas/Valenzuéla, 1785-86" -
Deported from Île St.-Jean to St.-Malo, France, aboard one of the Five Ships 25 Nov 1758, arrived St.-Malo 23 Ja...
The whole family orginated in new brunswick.... robinsonville
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