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  • Francesca Bonet
    Francesca Zaccariotto (San Donà di Piave, 1º marzo 1962) è una politica italiana, ultimo presidente della Provincia di Venezia oltre che sindaco per due mandati a San Donà di Piave. È unanimemente ri...
  • Françoise Marie Juneau-Bonet (1778 - 1857)
    Francoise Marie Gaspard Juneau-Bonnet BIRTH 1778 St. Charles Parish, Louisiana, USA DEATH Aug 1857 (aged 78–79) Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana, USA BURIAL Unknown MEMORIAL ID 136196625 · View SourceMEMORI...
  • Juan Tomás Calvo (1813 - 1856)
    Baptismal certificate Marriage certificate
  • Lisa Bonet
    Lisa Bonet is an American actor. She portrayed Denise Huxtable on the sitcom The Cosby Show (1984–1992), for which she earned widespread acclaim and a nomination for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outsta...
  • Theophile Bonet (1620 - 1689)
    Theophile Bonet, about whom relatively little is known because of limited biographical data, was born in Geneva on March 5, 1620, and, following the steps of his father and grandfather, decided quite...

About the Bonet surname

Surname: Bonet

Definition: An occupational surname from the Old French "bonet," used to describe a maker of bonnets. It can also be a nickname for a handsome person, from the northern dialect "bonnie" meaning "fine or beautiful", which is still a Scottish word, apparently a diminutive of the Old French "bon" meaning "good".

Alternate Spellings: Bonnett, Bonnet, Bonnette, Bonnyson, Bonnin, Bunnett
