From Stirnet's "Bodrugan1" page (membership required to view without interruption): "(1) This family's name is usually spelt 'Bodrugan' but it appears that 'Bodrigan' came into occasional use later on."
Also from Stirnet's "Bodrugan1" page (membership required to view without interruption): "(2) Much of the following <chart at the aforementioned link> is based on what has been found on various web sites which frequently disagree with each other. In particular, different web sites give different dates for what appear to be the same people, and are confused with those dates, sometimes leading to people being born some years after their father died. Consequently, we wish to be sparing in our use of dates yet feel obliged to give at least some dates so as to help distinguish between different generations. We suspect that this 'is one of those families' who had overlapping generations, with some generations producing successors when young whilst others did not have issue until they were older, and with some people living long whilst others died young."
other forms of this surname
- http://www.stirnet.com/genie/data/british/zwrk/bodrugan1.php (membership required to view without interruption)