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Bishop Genealogy and Bishop Family History Information

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  • Abigail Maltby (1658 - 1710)
    KINSHIP:In the book "The Talmadge, Tallmadge and Talmage genealogy", by Arthur White Talmadge she is listed as being the daughter of James Bishop and Mary Lamberton.BIRTH and CHRISTENING:Arthur White T...
  • Abigail Bishop (died young) (1727 - bef.1731)
    The 11 children of Elizabeth Perkins and James Bishop were born at New Haven. 1. Abigail b 31 Jan 1726/7 d.soon References Jacobus, Donald Lines. “Two James Bishops of New Haven, Conn.”, The Ameri...
  • Abigail Bishop (1714 - 1747)
    Biography ==Abigail was born in 1713. Abigail Corning ... She passed away in 1746. A source for this information is needed. == Sources ==Find A Grave Memorial# 62177207U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-C...
  • Abigail Seely (1696 - 1757)
    Abigail BishopF, b. 15 July 1696, d. 1 September 1757 •Father: Stephen Bishop d. 3 Dec 1722 •Mother: Ann Mercy Slasom Bishop •Note*: married by, Rev John Davenport •Married Name: Seeley •Birth*: 15 Jul...
  • Abigail Lee (Bishop) (1681 - 1751)

About the Bishop surname


Bishop is an occupational English and German name, popular throughout Europe with over 100 variations including German Bischof, Russian Yepiskop, and Spanish Obispo. Originally non-religious, it derived from ancient Greek episcopes, meaning overseer. After early Christianity, it described someone who worked for a bishop, performed as a bishop in a medieval traveling play, or had been a "boy bishop" on St. Nicholas Day, December 6. The Bishop motto pro Deo et Ecclesia means for God and the Church. English Bishop family history dates back to their family seat (feudal home) in Worcestershire. In America, Bishop genealogy began in Maryland and Massachusetts in the 1630s.

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