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There are already 981 users and over 13,669 genealogy profiles with the Berman surname on Geni. Explore Berman genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.

Berman Genealogy and Berman Family History Information

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  • Rabbi Abba Berman (1919 - 2005)
    Abba Mordechai Berman (1919–2005) was a Talmudist and rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Iyun HaTalmud. Early life Abba Berman was born on Tu BiShvat 5679 (1919) in Łódź, Poland to Shaul Yosef Berman, rosh yes...
  • Barbara Dobkin
    DOBKIN b. 1943 by Tamara CohenBarbara Berman Dobkin is the pre-eminent Jewish feminist philanthropist of the end of the twentieth and beginning of the twenty-first century. Her vision, dedication, gene...
  • Connie Kurtz (1936 - 2018)
    Connie Kurtz, who turned her coming out as a lesbian into a lifetime of activism with her wife, Ruth Berman, including serving as plaintiffs in a lawsuit over domestic-partner benefits for New York Cit...
  • David Craig Berman (1967 - 2019)
    David Berman, the reluctant songwriter and poet whose dry baritone and wry, wordy compositions anchored Silver Jews , a critically lauded staple of the 1990s indie-rock scene, died on Wednesday. He was...

About the Berman surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Berman surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Berman surname.

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