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  • Aleksander Vardi (1901 - 1983)
    Aleksander Vardi on enimhinnatud eesti kunstnikke, nagu näitavad viimaste aastate kunstioksjonid. Samas on tema ulatusliku loomingu tundmine lünklik, puuduvad monograafilised uurimused, viimasest üleva...
  • Käbi Laretei (1922 - 2014)
    Käbi Alma Laretei ( 14. juuli 1922 Tartu – 1. november 2014 ) oli eesti päritolu pianist ja kirjanik.* Käbi Laretei jutustab raamatus Alma ja Ernsti armastusloo * KÄBI LARETEI 90
  • Andrew Bergman (1853 - d.)
  • Anna Mary Bergman (1832 - 1918)
  • Astri Taube (1898 - 1980)
    Astrid (Astri) Linnéa Matilda Taube, född Bergman 9 december 1898 i Stockholm, död 23 december 1980 i Stockholm, var en svensk skulptör och bildkonstnär.Astri Taube var dotter till hovkonstgjutaren Her...

About the Bergman surname

Bergman family from Merzen,Osnabrück,Germany

There are many Bergman families, originaly most from Sweden, Germany and the Netherlands. As far as we have discovered our Bergman family name was originally BORGMAN (German title for people who defended the village and protected the inhabitants of Merzen (an historic town dating back to the Roman occupation and even long before in the ice time) part of the Osnabrück District in Germany. After a long period of wars the verdict of Münster was signed in 1647 and people could live in peace. Since most people lived in poverty many looked for a better life. Consequently our forfather Jacobus Dircksz Borgman looked for a better life in Holland which at that time had a heathy economy: "Golden Age"