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  • Abu Yusuf Yehuda (Hasday/Ḥasadya) ben Yitzhak ben Ezra ibn Shaprūṭ (c.915 - 975)
    Hasdai (Abu Yusuf ben Yitzhak ben Ezra) ibn Shaprut חסדאי אבן שפרוט‎ born about 915 at Jaén; died about 975 at Córdoba in Spain, was a Jewish scholar, physician, diplomat, and patron of science.His fat...
  • Avraham Ben Yitzhak (1883 - 1950)
    אברהם בן יצחק ===================================================== שירי אברהם בן יצחק - Poems by Avraham Ben-Yitzhak (Book) 1st edition published in 1957 in Hebrew and held by 29 libraries worldwide.T...
  • Rabbi Baruch ben Yitzhak Ibn Albalia (c.1060 - c.1126)
    Albalia, Barukh ben IsaacAlbalia, Barukh ben Isaac (1077-1126), member of a well-known family (originally from Lucca, Italy), was the son of Isaac Albalia , an astrologer at the palace of the Taifa kin...
  • Hiyya ben Yitzhak haSefardi, haDayyan (c.1091 - c.1159)
    Isaac ben Samuel ha-Sefaradi ibn al-Kanzī was a biblical exegete, halakhist, judge, and payṭan (liturgical poet) who was born either in al-Andalus or in Egypt to an Andalusī father. He is known from th...
  • Rav Kalonymus "HaZaken" (c.1060 - 1126)
    6. Kalonymus ben Isaac the Elder: German balakist; lived at Speyer in the eleventh and twelfth centuries; father of Samuel he-Ḥasid, grandfather of Judah he-Ḥasid, and great-grandfather of Judah ben Ka...

About the ben Yitzhak II surname

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