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There are already 16 users and 148 genealogy profiles with the ben Nathan surname on Geni. Explore ben Nathan genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.

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  • Abu Ishaq Abraham ben Nathan, Nasi (c.1036 - c.1115)
    Abraham ben Nathan son of Nathan ben AbrahamAbraham ben Nathan, born around 1037, was the only the son of Nathan ben Abraham, the rival of Gaon Solomon ben Judah in the famous conflict that took place ...
  • Bela Pinkerle (1626 - 1704)
    Bella bat Natan ⚭ Löb Staden [26.08.1704] holy name (Bella bat Nathan) is known from her tombstone. We don't know her German name. In Yiddish her father's family name may be either Melrich or Me'elrich...
  • Huna ben Nathan, Mar Huna IV, 24th Exilarch (c.395 - 442)
    Abba was succeeded first by his son Nathan and then by another son, Mar Kahana. The latter's son Huna is then mentioned as successor, being the fourth exilarch of that name; he died in 441, according t...
  • Hunya ben Nathan, Exilarch Interregnum (c.30 - c.90)
    source: Hunya ben Nathan, Exilarch Interregnum
  • Israel ben Nathan (c.1038 - d.)

About the ben Nathan surname

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